In the name of running we find ourselves enmeshed
With people that share our daily lives
The common thread is moving our feet
Laughter and pain and everything in between
We may not have met
Without our desire to move our bodies
Up hills and on trails and mostly having the desire to
Be the best we can be
Time goes on with the beat of the drum
Realizing later the fun
Between sessions of tempo and track and forever and always
The long run
The laughing the joy the building of blocks
Creating a community of love
A foundation of rocks
My life is richer because
The people that share my hobby, my journey
My life
My struggles, my likes, my dislikes
Thank you for not always agreeing
It goes beyond and travels to
Family and Food and movies and shoes
And marathons
We are not the complaining kind
Nor do we mind the sun or the rain
We support each other in different ways
Each of us our own
Our kids, our jobs our injuries
Our mental preparation during the
The race
The pain
Success and failure
Setting the goals and finding the way
This is where I am going
Going there with you, wherever that might be
Always with my running friends in my heart or by my side
Thanks for defining my life one year at a time
Marking the years
With fitness and friendship and love and courage
Here is to the next adventure
Dare to dream it
Dare to share it
Do it.
Love and running for all of 2012
Paula Harkin