Wednesday, January 23, 2013

February One Mile a Day Challenge

2013 - February One Mile a day Challenge - The Kickstart

Focusing on being healthy, eating right, limiting your caffeine and alcohol, buying the right foods for your family, drinking more water, getting more sleep, role modeling, daily exercise, being a good friend, worker, partner, parent.  Saving your money. Learning. Creating. Being. Being the best you. Inspiring, giving, listening, staying motivated. 

Wow!!  I know I want this in my life.  I know this is what I think about when I am setting goals and trying to be the best me.  I have found that these things come together best when I take time each day to run.  Most of you know that I just completed 4 years of running at least one mile every day.  Even though this has become as familiar as brushing my teeth I find that taking time to breathe fresh air, work my muscles, think and release stress and tension once a day is not only good for me but for those in my daily life as well.  Being a good friend, partner, mother, worker is easier when I have worked out.  In my opinion, our body image, our waistlines, our stress, feeling as if we are on the right path, seeing the good and having a good attitude are all part of this beautiful thing I call running.  Have you ever been grumpy because your pants are too tight?  Most of us know this feeling.

So the days keep coming, how do I stay motivated?  First let me say that I don't want to wake up being the person that didn't run or stay committed to my goal. I don't want to feel like I didn't take the time or effort on my own self and goals. If I don't take the time and the effort on myself how can I really do this for my family and my job or my friends and how can I expect those that look up to me to take care of themselves?  It is all tied together!!  Lastly, I don't want to be the person that doesn't care about my mind, body and spirit.  If running everyday for at least one mile makes me feel like I am striving to be the best me then it is a small price to pay. I just need to ask myself when can I fit it in today?

This picture is of a group of women that meet at our store, Portland Running Company-Beaverton, on Thursday evenings and run or walk together for support and friendship.  The group run is free and is led by Captain Shelly Beckers.  Consider checking out all of our free group runs at

Maybe your goal is running Monday, Wednesday and Friday?  Maybe it is running before work or at lunch or joining a gym.  Maybe it's joining a group to make you accountable.  Maybe it is nothing more than setting a goal no matter what it is and completing that goal.  It is very powerful. You CAN find 20 minutes in each 24 hours.  I know you can. 

So here it is...THE FEBRUARY ONE MILE A DAY CHALLENGE.  Can you go forward for one mile each day in February?  I believe you can.  Ask your husband or kids or next door neighbor or friend and commit to it.  Pick a time.  Organize it each week, is it at lunch time?   Remember it won't last forever, there is a beginning and an end to this challenge and this challenge will jump start you to your next goal.  Running a 5K at Shamrock?  Do it for yourself.  I will guarantee you will inspire someone in your life.

 PS  Walking can be your running.  :)

Paula Harkin
Day #1483