This post if written by my friend Marni Renison, (pictured on the right) along with our friend and Hood to Coast teammate Aubree Swart.
Marni is a bright spot in my life...below is a blog from Marni about Hood to Coast that I think you will enjoy...thanks, Marni!
The Hood to Coast event is a hugely sought after and highly anticipated race of 12 teammates, divided into two vans running 197 miles from Mt. Hood to Seaside Oregon. Generally, there is no sleep, you get to know your teammates intimately and whether you like it or not, you may start to look at parts of nature as a freshly cleaned bathroom at the Ritz Carlton.
Two years ago, I was approached by Paula Harkin, of Team RunWithPaula to join her van to fill in for runner. I quickly agreed, because Paula had been such a staple to my running since my arrival in Portland, but promptly raced home to talk through all my fears of the race with my husband.
“Am I’m not fast enough – these girls are FAST!”
“I get bitchy without sleep – I don’t want them to see my evil side.”
“What if I literally go crazy without sleep? Like hauled off in straightjacket?”
“What if I have to poop on the course?”
“What if I get lost?”
“What if they get last place because of ME?”
Ugh. Torment.
Well, just with anything in life, you have to jump in, live in the moment…enjoy the present and if you’re running Hood to Coast….you makes jokes, support your girlfriends and run hard.
Last year, my second year on the team, we took first place in our division. So, this summer, we’re coming back to keep our title. With a little fun and hard work along the way.
My name is Marni Renison (middle). I am a wife, mother of two daughters, runner. I began running about 6 years ago because of a “bad mom” day. I took my dog out for walk, ended up running as hard as I could for as long as I could (which was about one city block – and I nearly barfed) to release some anger. When I came home, I felt refreshed, more in control and I knew I would be back. I was going to do that again. Soon after came my first 10k, half marathon and marathon. I’ve since run 7. Running has returned benefits to my health, my community and my sense of wellbeing that otherwise would remain dormant. I balance many things with training: yoga, work, media shoots from time to time. But, my priorities remain the same. Wife. Mother. Runner. People. In that order.
Everything else falls quickly in line.
As I prepare for the races of this year, I realize, first I need to set some goals. Plan my races. And mentally prepare for the hard work ahead. Hood to Coast is a pinnacle event. And I need to come through for my girls. Because we’re going to be defending our title. J
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